Generally, when people think of 9-1-1, they may not be thinking of maps. In the heat of the moment, with an emergency happening, maps are the last thing on a person’s mind. However, in planning to respond quickly to emergencies, it is one of the first things on our mind at McClain County 9-1-1.
Accurate and up-to-date maps give emergency responders the best chance to get help to people as quickly as possible. As times change, so does technology. We’ve recently adopted a new standard for maps in McClain County based on Esri technology, including ArcMap, among others. We have a hand-held Trimble GPS device with accuracy down to the centimeter for ensuring our maps are incredibly precise.
Additionally, We’re working on KML and OpenStreetMap versions of our mapping products for a wider range of accessibility for our current maps.
Our maps are not only used for saving lives in emergencies, but for election precinct mapping, school boundaries, utility companies, oil and gas companies, prospective businesses and more. In short, having the best maps means we end up having better opportunities for McClain County to succeed.
As we move into 2015, you’ll see more digital maps on our website and additional mapping products that we produce..