All street names in the county must be reviewed by our office. Remember that “duplicate names of existing road names in the county, including those with different suffixes, shall not be permitted” (Addressing Policy, pg 2). You can find a road name master list here: RoadMasterList.pdf. Please contact our office to get street name approval.
Those wanting to file a plat at the county courthouse must get their plat reviewed by the McClain County 9-1-1 Trust Authority. Property owners or developers requiring a plat review should email over a digital copy and contact our office to schedule a time to get their plat signed. It may take our office up to ten (10) business days to review any documents.
Owners and developers wanting addresses for their developments must contact the McClain County Emergency Management office and fill out a building permit before addressing can begin.
Once the building permit has been verified, the McClain County Emergency Management office will forward all information to our office and we will get in contact with you once addresses have been created.